Desert Shadow Organic Hair Colour - Indigo (blue/black) Shadow 100g

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  • Made from 100% certified organic ingredients.
  • Will give a blue/blue appearance to most hair colours and grey hair.
  • Safe for sensitive skin. No peroxide, ammonia, bleach, PPD, synthetic chemicals or fragrance.
  • Natural properties of plant leaves, berries and aloe vera conditoins hair, leaving it softer and smoother with a wonderfully healthy shine.
  • Semi to permanent hair colour that lasts, covers grey hair when instructions are followed correctly.
  • Vegan and cruelty free hair colour.

Note: This haircolour is NOT a quick 10 minute express chemically enhanced colour and is not suitable for people who regularly change their hair colour.


Mixing your hair colour: Please note natural hair colour application is a slow process (allow 1 - 6 hours from beginning to end)

  • In a bowl combine hair powder, mix spice sachet (optional) and warm water a little at a time until a smooth (yoghurt like) consistency is formed. Honey/molasses can be added at this stage to help with consistency and to ease with washing out colour. (Optional: does not change the colour of your hair).
  • Leave your mix to sit for 10-15 minutes before application

Application: Before applying your colour, make sure you have clean/dry hair (oily hair/conditioner/hair products can reduce effectiveness of the colour)

  • Apply the paste thickly to sections of your hair - starting at the roots and down to the ends. Covering your whole head.
  • Always wear gloves (the colour contains a natural dye that will stain skin and surfaces).
  • Once hair is totally covered wrap in a shower cap (preffered) or cling wrap to keep in place and stop drips.
  • The paste should remain on your hair for 2-4 hours. The longer you leave the paste the deeper the colour.
  • Subtle colour (1-2hours) richer colour (4 - 6 hours)
  • For optimum grey coverage it is recommended that you leave the paste in your hair for the maximum amount of time possible (no less then 3 hours).

Washing out the paste:

  • The best way to wash out is to first condition you hair to relase the particles, then shampoo and conditon again spreading it with a wide tooth comb.
  • For up to a week after application colour may run when washing, this is normal.

Note: The true colour of your hair will come through after 2 - 3 days. Dyes recommended every 4 - 6 weeks.

Australian company.